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how do you save money for anime?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 , Posted by Dawn B (Cheapy) at 7:05 PM

You may find this question a little strange.but I personally think its a darn good question How Do You Save Money For Anime?

I personally don't save my money to buy anime I just wait till it goes on sale and then I purchase it then or I go and find it at a different store used by a trust worthy seller.

the only anime items I currently have though is a few anime box sets as well as a naruto tin piggy bank and dragon ball z cards.

but I was wondering how you all save money for anime do you put it in your dresser in a anime wallet or do you put your stash in a anime piggy bank and once full do you take it to the bank to draw interest or do you spend it rite away?

I think it would be great to find out how everyone saves there money for anime spending...

let me know by replying back to this post...

if you would like a couple good tips check out this post here Anime Savings!.

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